Addison turns 4 months today!! She's a babbling, giggling ball of energy when she's awake and sleeps like a rock at bed time. She loves the dogs. Yesterday, Midnight was playing on the new rug in the living room and Addie was just cracking up watching him flail his toy around. She likes to jump in the jumping gym, even though we still have to put books underneath her so her feet will reach. Her favorite toy is the green dragon puppet from ikea (we sing, "I like to eat, eat, eat apples and babies, rraaarr"). She LOVES bath time! Our little water baby lights up when she hears the water run. She jumps and splashes herself in the face but it doesn't seem to bother her. She goes to bed between 7:30 & 8 and wakes up around 6:30 with one wake up around 3am. We go on daily walks with Martha and Lucas(6 months) who live down the street.
Addie now weighs a whopping 16lbs (85% tile) and is 25 inches long(75%tile). She's grown 2 inches in a month! She's now in 9 month clothes/some 12 months.
Now I would normally have a picture to go along with this post but Addie got shots today and had a rough afternoon. We'll take some tomorrow!