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Friday, June 10, 2016

Andrew is 1 month!

It's already been 1 month since Andrew has been born! We love him so much! He is now 10lbs 11oz (75%), 22 inches long (85%) and wears a size 13 shoe (haha jk). So far Andrew has been easy. He sleeps most of the day, cries when he's hungry, poopy, wet or has to burp.  This kid is impossible to burp and when he does expect to need a shower! He is also really strong.  He holds his head up for a long time during tummy time and even rolled over three times.  Once at 3 days old, once around 2 weeks and again today in front of the doctor.  Slow down kiddo!! He's got blonde hair/eye brows, two dimples and blue eyes at the moment.

His cephalahematoma has been reobsorbed so his head looks sooo much better!!! He's got a birth mark on the right side of his head.   He just started cooing, smiling at us and grunts instead of crying most of the time.  His irregular sleep has started to become routine"ish" going to bed at 8, waking up at 12, 3 and 6am. The nights haven't been too bad except a few, like when Addie woke up for 2 hrs on top of Andrew's wakings or the night the dogs got sprayed by a skunk trying to eat their food.  So much fun!

Addison adores Andrew, always running to him when he cries, shrieking "baby brodda".  She loves to give him kisses, read with him for nap time, gives him the binky whenever he spits it out and tries sooo hard to be gentle. She has taken on the "big girl" role and raises her hands above her head and says "BIG GIRL!")"  As much as she loves Andrew, she is still adjusting, regressing with potty training and a few extra tantrums. Overall, we are all so  in love, happy he is here and blessed to have two heathy babies.
