Andrew is 2 months old now. Weighing 13lbs 6 oz (74%) and 23 inches long (86%). He goes to bed around 9pm, wakes up at 2am and then around 6 or 7. Not too bad! He's a pretty chill baby. He typically grunts and only cries when he's really pissed off. He's a snug 3months and comfy 6 months size in clothes. He likes to bat his toys, grab mommy's hair, and take naps in the stroller. I still need a poncho when I burp him. He is all about smiling, cooing and attempting to laugh. Whenever Addison gets giggly and goofy you can always see Andrew laughing along. Andrew also is a loud pooper...Addison is so funny when she hears it. She cringes her face into a disgusted upper lip and says, "Baby poopoo agaaaaiiin!" Andrew has already been to Disneyland, Sea World, the cousins houses , OC Zoo, Heritage park, Irvine great park, Eric & Ashly's, Trang's, swimming pools, and so many other fun places. His best friend so far is Marta's Nikolas. They hang out a lot. We really haven't skipped a beat, Andrew just comes along!
Love the picture of him sleeping...